Restaurant Reviews from
    Top : United_States: WA: Leavenworth

Munchen Haus , Leavenworth, Washington

Munchen Haus
709 Front Street
Leavenworth WA United States

Authentic Bavarian grill and beer garden in a beautiful outdoor, mountainous setting (excellent mountain view from the deck. Delicacies include charbroiled Bavarian sausages, apple cider kraut, specialty mustards, German beers, microbrews, and local wines. Family fun, pet friendly!

Web Information:
Web Page

Price Range: $5 and under
Phone: 509.548.1158
Accepts: Visa, MasterCard/Eurocard, gift certificates

Smoking: not permitted

Alcohol: wine / beer

Dress: casual

Reservations: not accepted

Parking: street parking

Accessibility: completely