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    Top : United_States: OH: Pickerington

Tim Horton's, Pickerington, Ohio

Tim Horton's
1085 Hill Rd N
Pickerington OH United States

<H2>Tim Hortons</H2> Located in Pickerington in the other half of the Wendy's restaurant. Wendy's is the parent company for this national chain. Featured items include coffee, donuts, muffins and bakery goods. Also serves deli sandwiches on the freshly baked breads. You can purchase bread and baked goods for take-out. Offers a wide selection of donuts at a reasonable price. Open round the clock.

Web Information:
Web Page

Price Range: $5 and under
Hours: Always open

Phone: 614.866.1716
Smoking: not permitted

Alcohol: no alcohol served

Dress: casual

Reservations: not accepted

Parking: own parking lot

Accessibility: completely