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M'Lee's Diner , Pickerington, Ohio

M'Lee's Diner
46 E. Columbus St.
Pickerington OH United States

This diner in historic Olde Village of Pickerington opened over 25 years ago by Mary Smith. A block east of Center St. on Columbus St., the diner sports a hanging lighted sign that is mostly white. Many come in just for the coffee or to hang out with others. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but not too late. Picture on bottom right is from a Mike Harden article (see links) in The Dispatch. Picture on top is the front of the diner facing east on W. Columbus St.

Price Range: $5.01 - $15
Hours: RENAMED TO Olde Village Diner

Phone: 614.837.9364
Accepts: Visa, MasterCard/Eurocard

Alcohol: no alcohol served

Dress: casual

Reservations: not accepted

Parking: street parking, own parking lot