Panera Bread
3625 Fishinger Blvd
Columbus OH United States
<H2>Panera Bread</H2> While this restaurant is well known for freshly high quality baked bread, it is also a restaurant serving sandwiches and soup. From a daily soup to several regular selections such as chicken noodle, served with a small half-loaf of bread in place of the usual crackers. Deluxe deli style sandwiches. They also offer premium salads as an alternative in the soup or sandwich combo. Most restaurants in this chain have a metal and glass window fireplace in the middle of the dining area. No kids menu, although you could request a certain deli meat on a plate. Even the half sandwich and soup ($4.99 as of April, 2004) is a big lunch.
Web Information:
Web Page
Price Range: $5 and under
Phone: 614.876.9900
Accepts: Visa, MasterCard/Eurocard
Smoking: not permitted
Alcohol: no alcohol served
Dress: casual
Reservations: not accepted
Accessibility: completely