140 South Avenue
Hilton NY United States
McDonald's is known around the world for a wide selection of burgers, chicken and fish sandwiches, and chicken nuggets with dipping sauces. There are selections for those who desire a somewhat healthier diet including a variety of salads, fruit and yogurt parfaits. Breakfast is served during the morning hours, and includes items such as biscuit sandwiches with eggs, bacon, or sausage, breakfast burritos, hotcakes, hash browns, and cinnamon rolls. Beverages include soft drinks, juice, Lavabursts, Mountain Blasts, iced tea, and coffee. For the kids there are a number of choices that go well beyond the traditional French fries and soft drinks. Some of the alternate choices include Apple Dippers (fresh, peeled apple slices) served with a low-fat caramel dipping sauce and 100% pure Minute Maid® apple juice or 1% low fat white and chocolate milk. This McDonald's is a freestanding building with its own parking lot and drive-thru facilities.
Phone: 585.392.3535
Smoking: not permitted
Alcohol: no alcohol served
Dress: casual
Reservations: not accepted