Restaurant Reviews from
    Top : United_States: NM: Silver_City

Alotta Gelato, Silver City, New Mexico

Alotta Gelato
619 N. Bullard St.
Silver City NM United States

A store selling home-made Gelato (Italian ice cream), hot/cold beverages and locally-baked dessert items.

Web Information:
Web Page

Hours: Sun-Thu Noon to 9:00 PM; Fri-Sat Noon to 10:00 PM

Phone: 505.534.4995
Fax: 505.534.4995
Accepts: bank debit cards, checks, Visa, MasterCard/Eurocard, gift certificates

Smoking: not permitted

Alcohol: no alcohol served

Dress: casual

Reservations: accepted

Parking: street parking, public transit accessible

Accessibility: partially
(Bathroom not wheelchair-accessible. Wheelchair users should contact store personnel for directions on how to enter store, or can be served outside.)