Restaurant Reviews from
    Top : United_Kingdom: England: London

Penthouse, London, England, United Kingdom

The Penthouse
No.1 Leicester Square
London England United Kingdom

For a meal with a view, Penthouse is literally up there with the best of them. With the London Eye, Canary Wharf, Houses of Parliament and Nelson's Column fully visible from this vertiginous vantage point overlooking Leicester Square, this is a pretty amazing place to sip cocktails and eat well. Penthouse occupies the sixth, seventh and eighth floors of what was once superclub Home. The dark pink and black 7th floor restaurant is the culinary stomping ground of Martin Davies whose list boasts Asia de Cuba and New York's Soho House on his CV. His Pacific Rim menu with its touches of Thai, Japan and China is very urban, very trendy and very pleasing.

Web Information:
Web Page

Price Range: £15.01 - £30.00
Hours: Monday-Saturday noon-4pm 7pm until late

Phone: 02077340900
Fax: 02077343337
Accepts: bank debit cards, American Express, Visa, Diners' Club, MasterCard/Eurocard

Smoking: permitted

Alcohol: full bar

Dress: formal

Reservations: recommended

Parking: street parking, pay parking, public transit accessible, valet parking

Accessibility: completely