Restaurant Reviews from
    Top : United_Kingdom: England: Bristol

La Taverna Dell'Artista, Bristol, England, United Kingdom

La Taverna Dell'Artista
33-34 King Street
Bristol England United Kingdom

Often grouped with the nearby "Ristorante Da Renato" which has the same management.

Price Range: £5.01 - £15.00
Hours: sun-thur noon-2.30pm, 7-11.30pm;fri-sat noon-2.30pm, 7-midnight;

Phone: (0117) 929 7712
Accepts: American Express, checks, Visa, Diners' Club, MasterCard/Eurocard, Discover, Carte Blanche, EnRoute

Smoking: section

Reservations: recommended

Accessibility: partially
(Access if difficult for disabled visitors.)