Restaurants in Qualicum Beach, British Columbia, Canada
Airport Restaurant
Bailey's In The Village
Beach House Cafe
Black Slack's Soda Shoppe
Captain Cook's Fish & Chips
Cockney Pride
Cole Diner
Cornucopia Gourmet Foods
Crown & Anchor
Eaglecrest Golf Club
Fish Tales Cafe
Gary's Bistro
Gourmet Restaurant
G G Chinese Food & Pizza Take
Harmony Cafe
Harvest Moon Juice & Espresso
Henry's Kitchen
Highgate Cafe
Instant Cafe
Lefty's Cafe
Little Qualicum Pizza
Midway Cafe
Monte Christo Steak House
Old Dutch Inn
Oliver's Restaurant
Pradolini's Pizza
Qualicum Beach Resort Hotel
Qualicum College Inn
Romano's Pizza
Sawmill Family Restaurant
Shady Rest Hotel
Shangri-La Restaurant
Shoot The Breeze
Uptown Galleria Bistro
Westhill Restaurant