Parklaan 4
Aalst East Flanders Belgium
The restaurant consists of three inner parts: De visscherie (the greenhouse), the Monte Cristo and the Louis Paul Boon corner with an open fireplace. The cuisine is seafood and fishmeals. A business lunch is available at 38 euro, the menu the month is 38 euro and the degustation menu is 85 Euro. (Prices submitted by ChedMoz reader @ Q1/2003)
Price Range: very expensive
Hours: mo,tue,fri,sat,sun 12.00pm-14.15 & 19.00-21.15
Phone: 053 776125
Fax: 053 786805
Accepts: American Express, Visa, Diners' Club, MasterCard/Eurocard
Smoking: permitted
Dress: formal
Reservations: recommended
Parking: own parking lot