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David's Taiwanese Gourmet, Queens, New York

David's Taiwanese Gourmet
84-02 Broadway
Queens NY United States

Probably because there are hundreds of Chinese restaurants within a short distance of this neighborhood, David's focuses on the dishes and preparation methods that are Tiawanese. Nearly half of the menu will be new to even Chinese restaurants regulars. It includes a wide range of seafood and fish, features ingredients that make escargot (snails) and squid seem commonplace, and you can order about any part of the pig except the "oink." For example, in addition to squid they also serve cuttlefish. [Unsure of the difference between squid and cuttlefish? Check to find out] Even well known ingredients can be found in combinations, like squash with dried scallop and crab meat, that may be new to those initially exploring Taiwanese cuisine.

Price Range: $15.01 - $30
Phone: 718.429.4818
Accepts: American Express, Visa, MasterCard/Eurocard

Alcohol: wine / beer

Dress: casual

Reservations: large groups only

Parking: street parking, public transit accessible