Restaurant Reviews from
    Top : United_States: CA: Redlands

Joe Greensleeves, Redlands, California

Joe Greensleeves
220 N. Orange St.
Redlands CA United States

Generally considered to offer American fare but often has unique menu additions such as ostrich and elk. The restaurant is located in a historic, late 19th century brick building with the corresponding warmth and small-town feel. Cost is approximately $30 per person for dinner and $15 for lunch, although those on a budget can spend a minimum of $15 and $7.50, respectively. Not appropriate for large groups. Within walking distance of downtown shopping area.

Price Range: $30.01 - $50
Hours: Mon closed; Tue-Fri 11:00am-9:00pm; Sat-Sun 5:00pm-9:00pm

Phone: 909.792.6969
Accepts: American Express, Visa, Diners' Club, MasterCard/Eurocard, Discover

Smoking: not permitted

Alcohol: wine / beer

Dress: dressy casual

Reservations: recommended

Parking: street parking, public transit accessible, own parking lot

Accessibility: completely